Build Resilience Against Life's Hard Knocks

Written by Anne Wasson | Sep 18, 2018 5:32:32 PM

If you’re a parent, educator or work with children, here’s a no-cost opportunity to learn how to help kids who’ve had some bad breaks in life.

“Every Classroom, Every Home: A Special Learning Session for Parents and Teachers” will be held Tuesday evening, Sept. 25, 5:30-8 p.m. at Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church, 4823 Woodlawn Drive, Little Rock. There is no cost to attend.

The free Tuesday evening event is designed for early childhood classroom teachers and staff, K-12 teachers and staff, foster or adoptive parents and parents of children with special health needs.

This is a pre-conference event to this year’s Adverse Childhood Experiences Summit: Building Resilience for Every Child, Every Community that will be held Sept. 25-26. (Registration has closed for the Summit event.)

At the Tuesday evening workshop, you’ll learn about:

  • Adverse childhood experiences
  • Toxic stress
  • Prevention and self-care strategies to help address children’s social-emotional needs
  • How to build resilience

Arkansas ranks at the top nationally for the highest percentage of children who have experienced emotional or physical abuse, neglect, family instability, poverty or exposure to violence. These problems are known as “adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).”

“ACEs can negatively affect children’s mental and physical health throughout their lives,” said Chad Rodgers, MD, AFMC’s chief medical officer and a board-certified pediatrician. “Building resilience in children through nurturing relationships within their family, school and communities can help prevent and stop the damage done by ACEs.”

A meal will be provided. You’ll have a chance to win door prizes and gift cards. Professional development and continuing education hours available.

Reserve your seat by registering at: For more information, contact: or phone 501-212-8644.

The summit is sponsored by AFMC, the Arkansas Department of Human Services’ Division of Children and Family Services, Arkansas Times, Arkansas

Association for Infant Mental Health, Arkansas Minority Health Commission, Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church, Arkansas Department of Health, Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance and the School-Based Health Alliance of Arkansas.

PHOTO CREDIT: KatarzynaBialasilwicz  iStock/Getty Images Plus