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Take Time Out to Learn

As a practicing physician, spare time to learn about health care policy or the larger factors that determine patient health is nonexistent. Until now …

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STOP Hepatitis-A Outbreaks

Arkansas is experiencing an outbreak of Hepatitis A, with 421 confirmed cases and three deaths to date, according to the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH). The ADH has tracked the first outbreak to Northeast Arkansas...

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Five Steps to Your Best Health Insurance Plan

Everyone needs health insurance. Medical care is increasingly complex and expensive. When you need medical care, insurance protects you against most of the costs so you can focus on getting well. We know from research...

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What’s New With Flu Shots?

One thing that’s not new is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) strong recommendation that everyone, six months of age and older, receive a flu shot this fall, preferably by the end of October.

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Arkansas Works’ Reporting Ends; Restore Your Coverage

If Arkansas Works is where you get your health insurance coverage, remember that you no longer must report to the state the hours you spent working or in community engagement activities. This change was effective March...

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Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resilience Summit

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resilience Summit Building Resilient Communities: Where you Live, Work and Play! LITTLE ROCK, ARK – Sept. 18, 2019 – Building resilient Communities: Where you Live, Work and Play! is...

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Is Your Baby or Toddler Sleeping Safely?

In 2016, 306 babies died in Arkansas before their first birthday. Approximately one in every four infant deaths were sleep-related. Unsafe sleep environment deaths are preventable. Here’s what parents need to know.

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An Ounce of Prevention: Facts About Adult Vaccines

Vaccines aren’t just for kids. There are several routine vaccinations that still need booster shots into adulthood. While vaccines have reduced or eliminated many diseases that used to routinely kill babies, children...

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Let Us Help You Improve Quality and Security

The introduction of value-based care was an enormous adjustment for every health care professional and practice. New value-based payment models require organizations to make significant changes in how they approach...

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What Your Posture Says About You

Your posture has a huge impact on your mental and physical health. It also reveals a lot about you, your attitude and level of confidence.

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