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Safe Fireworks: 25 Ways to Avoid Fires, Eye Injury

If you love fireworks, here’s how to avoid eye injuries, serious burns and fires. Every year around the 4th of July, there are about 10,000 firework-related injuries, costing $100 million. Fireworks also cause about...

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Keep Mom Healthy After Baby’s Birth: Know the warning signs

A precious new baby has arrived in your home and it’s getting all the attention. And, that’s how it should be. However, it’s very important to be sure that mom is recovering safely and completely from the birth.

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30 Top Tips for Safer Walking

The easiest fitness activity is plain old walking. It’s a great way to improve and maintain your health, anyone can do it, it can be done anywhere (even in-place, while watching TV) and all you need are supportive shoes.

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William Mason, MD and Pramod Nelluri, MD Join AFMC as Associate Medical Directors

LITTLE ROCK, ARK – May 31, 2018 – Dr. William L. Mason and Dr. Pramod K. Nelluri have joined the Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care (AFMC) as associate medical directors, according to Chad Rodgers, MD, Vice President...

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What Does Hunger Cost?

Finding ways to reduce health care costs can come from surprising places. One of the key ways to reduce the cost of providing health care to older Arkansans, as well as improve their health, is through food.

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New Officers and Physicians Elected to AFMC’s Board of Directors

LITTLE ROCK, ARK – May 21, 2018 – The Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care’s (AFMC) Board of Directors recently elected new officers to lead the board for the next year, as well as two new board members. AFMC is a...

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Summer's Biggest Danger Is Preventable

Keep your family healthy this summer with insect repellant. Whaaat? This summer, insects are going to be especially pesky, if not downright deadly.

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Stop Mental Illness by Building Resilience

Childhood experiences affect both mental and physical health for the rest of our lives. That’s why it is so important to give children a sound foundation for good mental health from the moment they are born.

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Arkansas Works: What You Need to Know

******* Editor's note: Visit this page for the most current information on Arkansas Works.*******

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Spring Clean Your Medicine Cabinet - Drug Take Back Day is Saturday, April 28

Drug overdose deaths are the leading cause of accidental deaths in the United States, surpassing fatal vehicle accidents by nearly 18,000 deaths a year. We can change this statistic!

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